LEADER 2014-20


Sevilla Destino Rural

Sevilla destino rural

FEDER Sevilla Rural


The Groups of Sevillian Rural Development, under ADAD coordination, are managing, in the period of programming 2011-2013, the PIP in the Rural Seville. It is a project of tourism and heritage, approved by Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía within the order which regularizes the concession of subsidies in FEADER programme. The Provincial Intervention Programme, provided with FEADER and autonomous community fund, will promote tourism in the Sevillian rural environment, supporting sustainability and excellence, and driving conservation, diffusion and value of cultural patrimony.

The non-profit entities or businesses that want to make use of these lines of help in tourist or patrimonial area, must suggest, to the group coordinator, initiatives that cooperate in the province and make a clear support for employment in the Sevillian rural area. For non-profit entities, 100 per cent of costs can be financed, and in productive projects by 30 per cent. This percentage will increase by 20 per cent for small enterprises and 10 per cent for medium enterprises.

Programa PIP aprobado por AyP (en el que deberán enmarcarse todos los proyectos presentados)

BOJA Apertura convocatoria ayudas al PIP

BOJA Bases reguladoras de estas ayudas

BOJA Orden de 14 de marzo de 2012 (que modifica la anterior)

Manual sobre el procedimiento de gestión y control (versión 6/mayo/2012)

Manual de información y publicidad de proyectos

Modelos (versión mayo/2012)